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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Billing US Taxpayers for the Iraq War - How much are you paying?

If you had an extra $3,000 how would you spend it? A vacation for you and a loved one? A down payment on a reasonably priced used car? How about a pair of M-16s? The National Priorties Project has calculated the costs of the Iraq war per taxpayer and broken that down into a helpful map to illustrate. Residents in Minneapolis, Minnesota have funded the war to the tune of nearly $570 million dollars. Unfortunately, the numbers just keep rising.

Of course, this isn't the true cost of war. Most would agree that the loss of life far outstrips the amount of money paid by US taxpayers, even as wages stagnate in a slowing economy. For that we have to look at, in part, the American dead and wounded and Iraq civilians.

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