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Friday, October 20, 2006

Networking: A Theory

I've been putting some thought into the topic of networking lately and found this post at Josh intervies Merlin Mann, proprietor of a very successful blog called 43 Folders.

In the interview they discuss what Mann calls "humane networking"
So I guess networking, in an ideal world, just means you help your friends meet cool people as you do nice things for them. I can get behind that.

But the grinning bearers of business cards who clearly want to put your soul in a Bell jar on their desk? I can still do without them.
I absolutely agree with Mann's sentiment, but find that it lacks concrete suggestions for those of us who are
  1. Shy

  2. Want to avoid weasel-dom

  3. Bur want to build connections within a specific community
So, here's my thought: rather than attending networking events and wandering around mute, find a volunteer position, or project, within your target community that is a "gatekeeper" position. For example, in the world of academic writing, volunteer to help publish and edit a journal. There are many other examples of gatekeeper positions one could fill. Post some suggestions here. No pressure.

Once you're involved with a project or position that is perceived by others to be a position of power and influence, people will come to you. This should allow you to simply meet more people in your target community. You're natural charm and giving nature should take care of the rest.

At that point you should be meeting cool people (the point of networking) and you can start instituting Merlin's suggestions of "humane networking."

Good luck! Let me know how it goes.

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