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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last Minute Costume Ideas to Look Like a Million (Dead) Bucks

Haven't quite decided whether your costume passes muster this year? Tired of living in an economy where wages don't even pretend to keep up with the cost of living? Well, then why not address both your concerns and dress as one of these top earning dead celebrities:
  1. Kurt Cobain
  2. Elvis Presley
  3. Charles M. Schulz
  4. John Lennon
  5. Albert Einstein
  6. Andy Warhol
  7. Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel)
  8. Ray Charles
  9. Marilyn Monroe
  10. Johnny Cash
  11. J.R.R. Tolkien
  12. George Harrison
  13. Bob Marley
Every year puts together their list of celebrities who have passed into the great beyond, but whose art continue to make millions and millions for their estates. Now the question is, where in the world can one find a J.R.R. Tolkien mask? Oh.

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At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After looking at Tolkien's mask, I have to ask: how was your Halloween? Did you give out the One Candy? ;)


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