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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gift Guide: Gift Certificates for Charities

Last year I gave my aunt and her family the opportunity to donate to a charity of their choice. I encouraged them to discuss it as a family, to discover something about each other that maybe they didn't know before. Sure, it's a little touchy-feely, but they seemed to like it. OK, my aunt seemed to like it, I never did learn whether her kids were burning me in effigy, or not.

I know not everyone will be too keen on this idea with the gimme, gimme, gimme-ness of the season crashing down around us (and yes, I love to get presents, too), but for some's charity gift certificates are the perfect choice.

So, even if you aren't sure what causes are closest to your loved one's heart, there's no need to go through the pesky process of talking about your values. You can purchase a gift certificate for any amount of money and send it via email, or print it out and send with a card. Then your budding philanthropist can save the whales, cats, kids or whatever or whomever they like. And you look like a saint. What could be better?

Back to the Main Guide.

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At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this type of giving is awesome, but not all people feel the same. Some things to be careful of is the recipient of this type of gift could return the favor by donating to, let's say the Young Republican's, or some type of anti-environmental name two. Just something to think about.


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